Friday, November 5, 2010



    The music industry, also called the music business, is the activity of selling compositions, recordings and performances of music.  It's lead by several sectors as for example the artists, the records label, the producers, the promoters etc...  The music industry is considered as being an economic agent. That's why we talk about a real « industry ». It makes earning money but only thanks to costumers. More they buy music ( Cds...), more the music industry grows up.
    Today, music makes part of our society. Albums are still sold, music DVDs... and in our century we have seen the development of the music selling on the Internet. Internet is kind of a source of music. We can promote, exchange, download or even make music in a legal way but however in an illegal one too. Everybody has an access to illegal and free downloads. This new way of having free music announces the decline of the music industry. But, this can be understanding because why would you pay and move into a shop, to buy something you can get instantly for free ? But the government still fights against illegal downloading on the Internet. Will it be a real help for the survival of music industry ?

1°) Statistics. The music industry spread music thanks to labels and successes to participate in the economy.
a) What are the two most important labels in the music market shares ? Where are they based ?
b) Give the top 5 of the countries with the most important number in album sales and world market value.

2°) On the Internet, music can be legally download too.
Give the 4 best music downloads sites. If I have an Ipod, what is the best site for me ?

3°) Unfortunately, Illegal free downloads also exist. Let's see it in France.
a) What age segment is the most concerned by illegal downloading ? Give the percentage.
b) According to the survey, who between men and women downloads illegally the most ? How old are they ?

4°) The government wants to stop illegal downloading on the Internet and reacts against it.
In France, what issues uses the government to fight against illegal downloading ? How does it work ?

5°) So, how can I have my music  freely and legally ?
LimeWire was a peer-to-peer software before it had been accused of illegal acts against authors wrights. Explain in your own words what's peer-to-peer is.



  1. 1. a) The two most important labels are Universal music based in France and Sony Music Entertainment based in Japan.

    b) The 5 countries with the most important number in album sales and world market value are the USA, Japan, UK, Germany and France.

    2. The 4 best sites to download music are Napster, Itunes, amazon Mp3 and E-music. And the best one if have an Ipod is itunes.

    3. a) People between 18 and 24 are the most concerned by illagal downloading. They represent 57%.

    b) Men download more than women. These men are under 35.

    4.To fight against illegal downloading the government uses Hadopi. In fact, Hadopi receive your information such as your IP adress, the date and the time of the fact among other from organisms which have the right to have these information.

    5. Peer-to-peer is a system in which someone can get documetns from someone else's computer because this one made them available.

  2. 1)a)The 2 most important labels are the Universal Music Group and the Sony Music Entertainment. They are based in France and Japan.
    b)The top 5 countries with the most important number in album sales and world market value are the USA,Japan,UK,France & Germany.
    2)The 4 best music download sites are Napster, Itunes, Amazon Mp3 and eMusic, and if you have an iPod i think it's iTunes.
    3)a) The most concernet by illegal downloading are the 18-24 years,it represente 57%.
    b)According to the survey Men under 35 download the more.
    4)To stop illegal downloading,French government uses Hadopi. It receive information about you such as IP adress, the date of your illegal download from organisms which have the right to have these information.
    5)P2P are system for sharing docs between two or more people by the web stocked on users computer.
