Wednesday, November 17, 2010

THE MUSIC INDUSTRY and THE INTERNET - Tussy, El Kaim, Franzo, Touron

Franzo, El Kaim, Tussy, Touron

Every morning, you use to switch on your MP3 player and listen to your favorite singers. But did you ever wonder how this music comes into your MP3 player?
We know that since few decades the music industry has really changed, in fact we spend far less money buying CDs or even digital downloads because there's a more simple way to obtain music: illegal download! But this practice has weakened the music industry. Indeed, it's more and more difficult for an artist to live on his music. So they had to find other way to become famous, and promote their music.

I- Legal or illegal?

A few years ago, we bought CDs in our supermarket to obtain music, but since the internet era, people prefer download.
The music industry found a solution: they made profit from the internet by creating sites on which we can download or listen to music.

-Quote 5 sites on which we can download music legally. Do you use sites regularly to obtain freely and legally music? What sites?,,1127237,00.html

-Quote the different ways that you have to listen to music freely. Do you use one of them? Which one?

-Look at this video:
What is it the amount of illegal music downloaded? What does the IFPI mean? What is its aim?

II- How does the Music Industry counter Piracy?

Cross the words of the list on the right side.
With the unused letters, form the name of a famous website which allows you to discover new talents:

                             _ _     _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _      
How does this website work?

Find the measures that the Music Industry used in order to limit the Internet Piracy.

What is the website that the article talks about?
Which band is taken as an example for this article? Find their personal page on this famous website. Do they manage to earn money and how?

III- Conclusion

The Music Industry is going worse day by day. Since the last decade, many illegal ways appeared but a lot of measures and possibilities have been created by the Music Industry in order to counter Piracy.
Nevertheless, thanks to networks on Internet, like MySpace, the Music Industry is still alive. Artists can share their music and be discovered by everyone.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Use of the internet for Self-Marketing/Business
Just by taking a look at this picture, how could you describe online self marketing using two sentences?

1)      What is self marketing ? What are the three principles ?

2) Why and How should you start self marketing yourself online by creating your own business?

3)  Find 3 advices given by the following website.

4) How can you make your website attractive ?

 5)     How can you broadcast your website ?

Activity :

       _ _ _S_ _ _ Keywords
_ _ _ _ _ E_ _         Communication
          _ _L _ _ _ Online
         _ _ F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Broadcast
        _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Business
      _ _ _A_ _ _ _ _ Referencing
  _ _ _ _ R_ _ _ _ Management
               K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tips
         _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ Design
            _ I _ _ Website
        _ _ N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Advertise
  _ _ _ _G_ Internet

Friday, November 12, 2010

PRIVACY AND THE INTERNET - Mignon, Zobler, Thuret

Léa Mignon
Florine Zobler                     Privacy and the Internet.
Caroline Thuret
Group 5

How people get private information? For example with Facebook. It's really simple: type the name or look at a profile of a friend of yours who have the person that you search in his friends.

Since the explosion of the Internet bubble, our personal information are "more and more made" public. Indeed, to join a new website (networks, shopping), you need to fill in several information as your name, first name, address, date of birth...
But are our data really protected as terms and conditions specify ?
Does everybody can have access to your most personal data including undesirable people ?

According to you what do the screen eyes mean ?

Do you believe in the Internet’s privacy ?

   1. Social networks are the main sites where personal information privacy is an issue. People are not afraid in sharing more and more information about them or their life. 

Now, click on the next link then answer the questions.

How does Facebook changed its private policy ? (Look at the second paragraph called “How Facebook Changed”).

   2. Do you trust Facebook and its privacy policy ?

Did it have the right to change its policy ?

To find out the answer you have to check the part II Agreement.

   1. In this point, we will see that you can find everything about a person thanks to the Internet.

Make a new research on Google (choose English as the language of the results). Write “Do you really know who people are ?” Next, choose the second site.

Does this website seemed to be right ?

Enter the name of Peter (first name) Douglas (last name), select “all states”.

How many Peter Douglas are registered ?

What are their criminal offenses ?

Is it normal to find that kind of information about someone on the Internet ?

   2. Now, you’ll see that a lot of people are not afraid to share personal stories …etc. Then read the post of [Feb. 5th, 2010|10:31 am].

What is the event in Brad’s life ?

Click on the link that Brad posted.

What personal information about Brad can you find ? (clue: look at the map)

Now, have a look at the comments.

How do these people know Brad ? Are they real friends of his ?



   1. Privacy in the Internet:

   1. I don’t think about it.
   2. It became more and more serious.
   3. I really feel concern.

   2. On social networks, I usually:

   1. Post all my life.
   2. Choose what I want people to know about me.
   3. I don’t have social network account.

   3. When I sign up for a new website and it ask for personal information, how do you react?

   1. It doesn’t matter I really have to sign up.
   2. It’s not a problem, we all give information about ourselves.
   3. No way, I don’t want everyone to know my life.

   4. You have a kid and he/she would like to surf on the Internet:

         1. You let him/her do what he/she wants.
         2. You check everything he/she is doing on the Internet.
         3. You don’t want him/her to use the Internet.

Check How many A, B, or C you have.


If you have a majority of A, it means that you are addicted to the Internet and you absolutely have to know every news. You are ready to give all necessary information about yourself to follow trends. And privacy on the Internet is not a matter for you.

If you have a majority of B, you like to surf on the Internet but you are conscious of problems that it can lead to. You enquire about websites before to sign up. You consider pros and cons. Thus, you are very careful.

If you got a majority of C, you are not concerned by this topic because you are kind of paranoiac and you prefer not to use the Internet because it makes you feel safe and think that you have everything under control.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ILLEGAL DOWNLOADING: HADOPI AND YOU - Joseph-Armand, Kalfa, Karabadja

Jeremy J-A
Raphael Kalfa                                                                                   
Laura Karabadja
Gr 5


Nowadays, Internet is an integral part of the daily life and wins an audience increasingly
large and numerous. In fact, its practical and easy use makes it one of the most popular computer networks in the world: there are about 1,8 billions of internet users. The reason of it success is that people can find all the information they wanted and it offers a lot of services that facilitate currents process:

We can buy on internet, earn money, exchange…

However, Internet is also a way of access to hacking such as illegal downloading. This latter is a scourge for industries that spend significant sums of money to fight against piracy. In order to help them, the French government passed a law on June 19 2009: HADOPI.

Please answer the questions below to learn more about this law.

A will of changing:
1/ According to the video, why did the French government decided to vote the Hadopi law?

In order to counter illegal downloading and respect people privacy, hadopi doesn’t “spies” you directly
2/ How does it act?
Go to the French website , click on the FAQ tab, now go to the second and third question to answer.

3/ who are the new targets of this law? Today, what incur people who use illegal downloading?

4/ Does this law prevent people to download illegal files? How can people feel in front of a new invasion of privacy?

5/ According to the IFOP survey is the Hadopi law dissuasive? Give some example in the charts that illustrate your answer
What is your opinion concerning this law?

Go to the website :, download the  PDF file "Les Français et le téléchargement illégal".

In France, illegal downloading is becoming more widespread. Music, movies, software…all fields are concerned and this phenomenon is very popular in the young French population. That is why the French government has set up the Hadopi law in order to counter this illegality, by punishing people at different scales according to their offence. Will this law be enough to reduce piracy? The time will tell us.

Find the missing letters in order to complete the sentence.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Group Research Projects

Google – “Not just a search engine”


Google is known as super search engine which finds almost everything we want on the web, also create blog, translate text, check emails, calendar docs readers shopping groups, make routes thanks to Google maps…
The Google process: The Web server sends the request to the servers of the index. The contents of these servers are similar to the index of a book: it indicates on which pages the words are corresponding to the request. The request carries on its way to the waiters of documents, which recover the stored documents. Extracts are generated to describe each result obtained. The results of a search are returned to the Net surfer in a fraction of a second.
  1. Who are its founders and what does “Google” means?

  1. What are the names of people who explain how different Google’s search works?

  1. How can I find a book written by a French author when I don’t know the book’s title but the subject?

  1. What is the information collected by Google concerning your privacy?

  1. What Google’s applications can you use on mobile phones? Is it possible to use Google’s app on every mobile phones?

  1. What are the Doodles? What is the price of the National Winner?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

CITIZEN JOURNALISM - Hennequin, Peroni

Group 5

  1. Go to one of the most famous video-sharing website. The one which begins with a “W”. Once you are on the home page you type in the search box the entire word which corresponds to an important event shortly called WTC. Scroll down until you find a video which lasts 1m15sec. It has been published a year ago and it has been seen by about 30 500 viewers.
If you were there would your reaction has been to film the event?

  1. You need to go to the Hubpages website. When you see “featured topics” on the home page you look a bit on the right and you click on “more topics”. Then, you have a list of several topics. When you see “Books, Literature, and writing” you click on “more” and then you choose “poems and poetry”. When you are in the “best” section there is poem whose title is made up two words. One of them is the opposite of “after”.
What can be the main reason that incites people to post something so personal on a website?

  1. You have to find the website whose name starts with the word “photo” and finishes with the translation of the French word “sceau”. At the very top of the page, you should see “Find stuff”. Click on it. Then, on the left side of the page you have more categories. You have to scroll down until “What the bucket”. Once you are in that category, the image you are searching for is in a hand and this is abnormally big.
According to you, why people are interested in watching the most surprising things on the Internet?

  1. Go to the website whose name begins with the word “food” and finishes with the lover of “beauty” in the Walt Disney's famous film. It's easy, you must have found it! Then, when you are in the Home page, you had to scroll down and find a table of contents. Now, in the station “categories”, click on “adventures”. Then, you need to scroll down until you see a very strange hamburger...

In your opinion, what's the aim of posting that sort of article?
  1. You had to find a blog called “Adam's blog”. When you are at the home page, scroll down and read the article untitled “Thoughts on turning 30 October 12, 2010”... According to you, is it possible to write or tell everything on a blog? Do you think that a blog could be dangerous?

Friday, November 5, 2010



    The music industry, also called the music business, is the activity of selling compositions, recordings and performances of music.  It's lead by several sectors as for example the artists, the records label, the producers, the promoters etc...  The music industry is considered as being an economic agent. That's why we talk about a real « industry ». It makes earning money but only thanks to costumers. More they buy music ( Cds...), more the music industry grows up.
    Today, music makes part of our society. Albums are still sold, music DVDs... and in our century we have seen the development of the music selling on the Internet. Internet is kind of a source of music. We can promote, exchange, download or even make music in a legal way but however in an illegal one too. Everybody has an access to illegal and free downloads. This new way of having free music announces the decline of the music industry. But, this can be understanding because why would you pay and move into a shop, to buy something you can get instantly for free ? But the government still fights against illegal downloading on the Internet. Will it be a real help for the survival of music industry ?

1°) Statistics. The music industry spread music thanks to labels and successes to participate in the economy.
a) What are the two most important labels in the music market shares ? Where are they based ?
b) Give the top 5 of the countries with the most important number in album sales and world market value.

2°) On the Internet, music can be legally download too.
Give the 4 best music downloads sites. If I have an Ipod, what is the best site for me ?

3°) Unfortunately, Illegal free downloads also exist. Let's see it in France.
a) What age segment is the most concerned by illegal downloading ? Give the percentage.
b) According to the survey, who between men and women downloads illegally the most ? How old are they ?

4°) The government wants to stop illegal downloading on the Internet and reacts against it.
In France, what issues uses the government to fight against illegal downloading ? How does it work ?

5°) So, how can I have my music  freely and legally ?
LimeWire was a peer-to-peer software before it had been accused of illegal acts against authors wrights. Explain in your own words what's peer-to-peer is.